Sunday, August 29, 2010

Just A Thought...(having one of those days)

We cant always have what we want.
Either we dont deserve it and there's something better
the Lord just wants us to wait coz we aint ready for it
Happiness is really hard to achieve
alot of people looking for some alternatives but still that wont satisfy them coz that aint the thing that they really like
Sometimes im askin whether this thing im goin through will pass or maybe i just do something first to get through with it
Im sad....sometimes it is killing me but im still thankful coz my God is always my comfort and friends are always there showing their love.
It's really hard to try something new right now coz everytime i did i always fail.
Either it aint meant to be or something is missing
Crying to God is my best refuge everytime i talk to Him he washin away my worries and pain
I just hope i dont have to worry nor experience pain and get hurt again.
Truely people can disappoint u but God wont and never will
God alone is my only comfort at this moment. It's hard to gain happiness at this moment but still GOd's love is sufficient 
i say i wouldnt make it without Him
Things are so overwhelming...i have lots of things in my mind and if i aint gonna let it go i might explode
Writing this is my best remedy..helping me to think and assess my self
I dont wanna dwell on this...Im hating the feeling but i cant help it. It keeps coming back and the loneliness is really consuming.
I aint alone i know i have friends but still it cant satisfy coz it aint the thing that i want and wanting for.
Im hard to read i know but i dont wanna be read by anyone though..It's between me and my God..Coz no one can understand me but only me and Him.
I think ill just rely on God's promises. That He has a great plan for me..Plan to prosper me and not to harm me, plans to give me hope and a future....and yeah ill be patiently waiting and keep on praying. For those who wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength they will soar up like an eagle and wont grow weary,,,,
Everytime i am in this emo moment as what they call me the Lord always reminding me about His word and His love...He always tellin me to BE STILL....
Psalm 46:10 (New International Version) Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth." yeah that's what i have to do...I thank my God for everyday...and thank the Lord for keep on loving me... GOd bless everyone


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